[ 📜 ] The Ultimate Guide to Every Device Part 2!

I wish I joined in Octobet.


I think you have a good chance since you were liked by a lot of regulars, but the system is quite rigged :confused:


That is true, I was liked by regulars over 300 likes by my first month, and was semi popular, everyone said I would get NUOTM, but no, two people who are still inactive got it. It is by far, rigged.

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Dang… Rigged Huh

Same as @getrithekd. I remember the rallies.


But I am determined…
to get back on topic




Bump again ig.

A reusable bump this time!

  1. Bump.
  2. I just updated the part about zones to reflect the new update.
  3. The guide is about 2 characters short from hitting character limit. This would create a problem later on, would it not?
  4. Reusable Bump.
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This is why we made TUGTED 3.

Just reminding you, you forgot the Laser Beam.

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It’s in TUGTED 3.

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Bump. I’ll make a backup of this.

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Bump (added this due to not regular I think)

part 3 since new devices came out

please and also can I get a shoutout on the next one if you make it

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200th post. Yay.

Also, why part 2?