[๐Ÿ“œ] The Ultimate Guide To Doors

Nah, Iโ€™ll let you take credit :slight_smile:
Iโ€™ll what i have so far

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And floor 2?

HAve yet to experience it

It has been out for too little time we can wait on that

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You may add the random room thing if you want
and list what you have done and I can slowly add them if I want it on there

I want this to be Ultimately everything

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Goblino wins

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I added everything if ya look :slight_smile:

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So you did pretty much the randomising and sorts and does that still enable me to make the seek chase? You just made the seek chase ending and starting mechanic?

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I added only 1/2 my guide because I saw that you were already doing entities. No need for repitition.

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Im saying your mechanics Dont already Explain the seek chase? just the code that determines that it happens?

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just got to my hotel and Am gonna add goblino in a sec

AYYYYYYYYY! OYE, HOMBRE! EL GOBLINO IS IN DA HOTEL AND STEALING YOUR GOLD! (This Is A Complete Sentence, stop bugging me AI thingy)

Why is this so long. Maybe make a draft next time. 211 posts already is wild.
Then again, I really like the idea of a doors guide.

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I wanted it turned into a wiki as fast as possible and add stuff slowly since it would take years to finish and i just wanted the layout done

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Makes sense. but maybe finish it first and then make a wiki?

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;-; do you even understand what i just said

  • Seek Running Animation
  • Timothy hugging your face animation
0 voters

What next?

Everyone, please stop chatting here. Eiq said there might be a pattern of deleted guides(See this
post) So we donโ€™t want this to get deleted


Timothy Hugging your face animation WON

And after Timothy

  • Crucifix Mechanic
  • Seek running animation
0 voters

Can someone slap me across the face with words that will motivate me

Since im Procrastinating ;-;