My Doors Guide Has Dissappeared!?!?!?

I don’t know why y’all feel the need to ping Blackhole over a matter that can be explained without moderator intervention.

OP, do you have any proof that your guide was posted? Any links? Any emails or notifications from the Gimkit Forums that the topic was flagged? Any notifications of the topic being liked? Did you check your post drafts?

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No, I pinged BH because I thought Landyn had already posted his guide and someone deleted it, not that he didn’t post it yet.

@LandynSPEEDO802 Also, please don’t do “Speedy” for guides, you can do other stuff. Speedy_kd4 is the original Speedy, and everyone calls him speedy as well.

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Mods might have deleted it.

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It was posted, my guess is because @Gimkitsuggestor’s doors guide was posted like a few hours earlier and they seems really similar.

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My guesses:

  • May be a copy of Gimkitsuggestor’s guide
  • Probably WIP (which the community hates a lot)
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well, first of all

thank you

second of all, TONS of guides were deleted, as well as all the doors guides, ____land, player selector, tugted, and so much more…

there seems to be a pattern on these (all those guides are/were kind of chatrooms now), so i have a question for you:
was the guide becoming a chatroom?
(alternatively, it got deleted because doors is scawy and may not be appropriate for publishing)

@Blizzy i no longer have an accurate pattern for deleted guides because:


Oh yes. I don’t know if I got any deleted guides…

Luckily I don’t have any. Just one old help post lol

@LandynSPEEDO802 i suggest marking a solution

Yeah big guide purge stuff like player selectors, ____Land, the keyboard guide, and tugted were all deleted. sad stuff.


time to check my guides :sweat:


I had 44 guides and now I have 31.

i think what’s happening is that if a guide is super similar to another and isn’t old, then it’s getting taken down. I made the first RNG-type game guide, so I doubt it’s ever getting taken down.

TUGTED got taken down and it was the first of its kind. My merchant system got taken down and it was a completely unique system I made in my own game (random deals for random prices). These guides are also over a year old.

Alright, I have some possible reasons as to why a guide might’ve been deleted.

  1. contained information that wasn’t needed (i.e. a super easy guide, though this probably isn’t it as my cobblestone generator guide, which was literally terrain and an item granter, is still up
  2. the guide became a chatroom/had flagged comments
  3. the guide was outdated and had information that was no longer relevant to the current gimkit
  4. the guide was unoptimized, unfinished, or was flat out empty.
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Merchant System:

  1. Contained a fun and useful system to add to your games. It wasn’t a very limited system, as you could implement it in dungeon crawlers or RPGs, two very big genres.
  2. Did not have a chatroom (only around 50 - 100 mostly on-topic replies that were each separated by like 20 days).
  3. Was not outdated.
  4. Guide was large.


  1. Information on every device was very much useful.
  2. Yes, it was an 800-reply chatroom, BUT it was closed so there was no point in deleting it.
  3. Had multiple parts and was frequently updated.
  4. No.

Agreed, I couldn’t find Haiasi’s Ultimate Among Us Guide, I think it got deleted…

ohh, TUGTED is the ultimate guide to every device. yeah this makes absolutely no sense. maybe i should ask BH on the discord or smth.

He’s not active we were spam pinging him

not even on the discord?! oof