My Doors Guide Has Dissappeared!?!?!?

i think what’s happening is that if a guide is super similar to another and isn’t old, then it’s getting taken down. I made the first RNG-type game guide, so I doubt it’s ever getting taken down.

TUGTED got taken down and it was the first of its kind. My merchant system got taken down and it was a completely unique system I made in my own game (random deals for random prices). These guides are also over a year old.

Alright, I have some possible reasons as to why a guide might’ve been deleted.

  1. contained information that wasn’t needed (i.e. a super easy guide, though this probably isn’t it as my cobblestone generator guide, which was literally terrain and an item granter, is still up
  2. the guide became a chatroom/had flagged comments
  3. the guide was outdated and had information that was no longer relevant to the current gimkit
  4. the guide was unoptimized, unfinished, or was flat out empty.
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Merchant System:

  1. Contained a fun and useful system to add to your games. It wasn’t a very limited system, as you could implement it in dungeon crawlers or RPGs, two very big genres.
  2. Did not have a chatroom (only around 50 - 100 mostly on-topic replies that were each separated by like 20 days).
  3. Was not outdated.
  4. Guide was large.


  1. Information on every device was very much useful.
  2. Yes, it was an 800-reply chatroom, BUT it was closed so there was no point in deleting it.
  3. Had multiple parts and was frequently updated.
  4. No.

Agreed, I couldn’t find Haiasi’s Ultimate Among Us Guide, I think it got deleted…

ohh, TUGTED is the ultimate guide to every device. yeah this makes absolutely no sense. maybe i should ask BH on the discord or smth.

He’s not active we were spam pinging him

not even on the discord?! oof

Why are they taking down actual awesome guides :sob:

I know not every one but a few just could have been closed and not deleted.

Yeah, Agreed @Slim, There might have been a reason for them removing the Among Us Guide, since there was like dozens of mini among us guides, (which still doesn’t make sense in my opinion)


So as you may know, today, many many of the most popular guides from people on the forums have been deleted . I don’t know who deleted these, but I think its safe to say that they should not have been deleted . Here’s an example - The Ultimate Guide to Every Device. This guide is completely on-topic as it teaches players in Gimkit Creative about devices. It was one of the most ambitious and collaborative projects in GKC and there was absolutely no reason to unlist it. It had no chance of being a chatroom because it was locked long ago.

Other notable guides that got deleted were:

  • _____Land by ClicClac
  • The keyboard guide by Apoll02
  • The Player Selector by getrithekd
  • Fancy Knockout Notifications by Cassius
  • Ultimate Guide to Among Us by Haiasi
  • The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Game by CringeKarlScott (I think that’s what it was called)

I need your help. Please link more guides that got deleted that were on-topic so when Blackhole gets back online we have as many guides as we can to restore.

Thank you.
I wrote that a few hours ago but it’s relevant to this topic so here you go


idk. sorry i just walked in here. that sucks, last i was here place was a dumpster fire so i would say thats normal, but idk whats changed here XD. so can’t be of much help. maybe it was unlisted. so you can’t see it, or archived. only way to actually know is to look in your computer history and find when you last opened it. then you can see if it says it dosent exist or if it has the tags of unlisted/hidden. if it says it dosent exist, it was deleted

Where can we link them @mysz ? Here? Or are you going to make a topic for it, will Blackhole even allow it? (probably since it’s for a good cause)

Unlisted means it’s unlisted from the main website. You can still view it. When a topic is private or deleted it shows an error

Bh hasn’t really done much to moderate in the past 24-28 hours

Josh and Pharlain are the only mods that have done this to my info

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____Land is lost…

i can’t even look at the raw version


no, i don’t think so? whenever its deleted/privated it will say it dosent exist, and if its unlisted, its still here in the fourms, you can’t find it unless you have a direct link to it.

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okay then they were deleted :[ ya sorry i can’t help on this, was nice to see this place again though, say hi to blackhole and wolftechonlogy for me

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Yeah that’s what I meant.

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wolftech actually hasn’t been on since june, though blackhole is now a TL4 (one step below moderator), so he’s fairly active most of the time.

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Well, why can’t we ask bh or josh?

Also, if you have a really good guide you don’t want to lose I would suggest copying it into word. (Goes to Hollow Knight)

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