[📜] The Ultimate Guide on Psuedo-Things! [WIP]

Uh, what happened to the post?

Clicclac removed the “Other” section ;-;

You realize you can RESTORE a post right?

my bad

If you’re an admin/mod, yes.

No. You don’t need to be one. Just look at the “raw HTML” from the previous revision and copy and paste that.

True, i guess.

Even if we did add a set of rules, trolls wouldn’t care.


We just gotta pray that there aren’t trollers out there…
(Humanity is messed up)

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All I did was try to add my name for making CPT… could you do it for me?

Someone can edit now.

Also @ClicClac, can you add a scroll emoji to the title like this tug did? [ 📜 ] The Ultimate Guide to Every Device Part 2!

I’ll do it.


What’s the difference?

The concept tag or game concept tag?

Already done.

game-concepts is unused, concept is for stuff like AUO.


Also, is there a guide on how to give people different starting health?

I don’t think so.

No, but if shouldn’t be that hard.

Wait, a guide idea!

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There should be a guide based solely on map options…