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i leaked @Cryptoraider_Gemkit 's first name


Thats why you resigned?

well, both, first that, but then i decided that this really finalized it

No he leaked his own first name in a post tho right?

how else would i know it?


You resigned over that?
Just don’t ever share someone else’s personal info, remember, anyone can see this forum

btw I’m liam

what first post? there have been many posts, we are over 100 on this

What i’m trying to say is didn’t other people already see it? I’m not saying that leaking the name for those who didn’t see it was right, but i’m still confused.

A self leak. Nice that you feel comfortable enough to reveal your name.

i think i knew that already, and you guys will find my name, if @lxmashaxtakis hasn’t told you already


Anyone who actually wants to find it can. I’ve shared enough information online over time to trace a path

ok, since i leaked the name, i will say mine

Whats a pwth???

i have an account on a web game that has my real name in it, so my real name is shown everywhere i go on that game

I think it was a typo. Idk what it is if it’s not though.

oh ok

Path typo
