==> The Ultimate Guide on coming up with ideas for games! <== 🎮

no, it starts with a p

dont leak that
anyways everyone voted no lol

I also changed it anyway for the future

you changed your name???
i thought you have to, like, fill out a bunch of forms at your town hall to do that

Just in gimkit
You know, for in the game

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I did it before I forgot and name leaked again.

Also, your bio says something about a “Fishtopic Infection”. What is that?

are you on the wixsite? you can find out about it there

Is it like Infection but you can fish?
IDEA: zombie fish that turn you evil

Speaking of that, did you delay that event?

nope, it’s tomorrow at 12pm est

i gtg now


oh i was never going to leak the name
that was a joke
i just leaked because people said they already knew
plus i am sorry i should never have done it anyway
another reason to stay resigned

noooooo! i thought you chose to not resign?

no not after this mistake i just made
i am so sorry @Cryptoraider_Gemkit i will never be a guardian or gimavenger again

Wait what happened?

he notified jeffo

What noooooo you’re a valuable person on this forum