[nothing here]
famous last words before I click on the hidden message (although I didnt find the screenshot so i dont suppose it matters)
I feel like I should have a list of leaked names…
I only know 4 leaked names
How many people actually have a list though?
the creepy people
i think some people have my name
Nobody has my name, because I don’t use my real name while playing/creating.
Nobody has my name, being I’m ultra careful when sharing screenshots to make sure I don’t have my name leaked.
Has my name???
i think i know more leaked names than anyone else
does anyone else know the names of @NavyCatZ and @anon73616841?
@NavyCatZ no
my name you practically know
i told you what it means and i told you my religion, and i emailed you from my account, so you should know (and pls dont tell anyone)
i know your full name as well
I’m just anomynous
I believe I am also anonymous