The Toxic way to create an event level!

The guide is basically as the title states. Hopefully this helps with Don’t Press The Button, or something else!


For example:

  • Lava patches/Acid
  • Boss Battle
  • PVP arena (grant them gadgets)
    You can add anything, but these are mine!
Event Building
  1. Once you’ve read the events, make a randomizer to broadcast the events.
  2. On event1, do the lava patches. For me, I used red zones that deal damage using a damager. If you want, you can do ANOTHER randomizer to randomize the positions of the zones. And I used a barrier background.
  3. On event2, the boss battle. USE GOOD GRAPHICS. If you want, you can check out my guide:
    The Toxic way to make a good bossfight!
    And make sure that everything gets deactivated.
  4. The PVP arena.Make sure that everybody has a gadget, and PVP is enabled.
  1. Make sure that, when you get knocked out, you become a spectator. When the round ends, then switch everyone to team 1 using the relay and a team switcher.
  2. Make an overlay that tells you what event you’re in. Like, if it’s a lava event, the overlay would say lava. Overlay:

    And there’s also a trigger that broadcasts on EventChange. Add this on to that trigger up top:

So wow! These are the basics to an event level, I skipped over some things, but this is the layout to an event game. Wait…

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Let me know if I missed anything!
Also, PLEASE refrain from saying, “NiCee gUIdE!?!”
The like button exists for a reason, you know…


First off, you can make this smaller by deleting the variable and simply putting the random integer block with the create text with.

Do the same with this one. Also, change the last else if to else.

I never saw the overlay channel… I’m assuming it is from when property value changes?

Also the title… I’ve noticed that it always implements your name… generally we only do that when the guide is different from other ones made on the same topic. Like when I made red light green light, I made it “tomatian” because it was different. Just letting ya know.


Sure, but I had the block space.

The random things might return the same thing, therefore glitching. The variable is needed. Also, my computer crashes out when I use an else block. I have no idea why that happens.

I like making my guides Toxic. But I can change it if you like. I only did it because I swear I saw a guide like this a while ago… with a totally different method…

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Why, did you bump, your own guide, oh well
Time to continue making plinko in gimkit

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I can’t?

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Not saying you cant, i just, normally never see people bump their own guide

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