The Rise of Technical Gimkit

i found gkc at like december
i had to ask someone again if you know you knowabout what gimkit was back then
and the questions

It’s kind of like how math evolved. The reason Gimkit Creative evolves is because of the constant demand of an answer to how to make things. Gimkit Creative evolved so much faster than math though, and the reason why is pretty obvious.

Imagine people already mastered all the knowledge of Precalculus or something, then were given a glimpse of linear equations in application, and then were asked to reconstruct and explain linear equations. That’s like Gimkit. People who were good at code already had the mindset and the problem solving skills, and fishing systems and farming systems were goals and problems they’d like to solve. But what about people who only know how to count? How are they going to construct addition and subtraction? While the advanced learners are already doing algebra and their quadratic functions and whatever, these people feel left behind! How can we fix this?

  • First, watch people do addition. Why? I was really bad at Gimkit in May. But I got pretty active on the forums, saw solutions, and I used device systems in these solutions to construct my own. A way to end the game when 1 player is left sounded impossible, but I saw a guide about it. And that guide taught me some ways to do stuff.
  • Think about why something works. Why does “Lifecycle → Relay (Random Player) → Team Switcher (Team 2)” in a cooperative game work? Alright, well the lifecycle just checks for the start of the game to happen, the relay picks a random player at the start of the game, and the team switcher… wow, it switches that randomly chosen player to a team different then the other ones? For harder ones like loot crates, why does using inequalities work? Well, if this number is randomly generated from 1 to 10, that means it has a 10% chance to be 1, right? And that means it has a 20% chance to be 1 or 2, right? Because as you can tell, this pattern applies for all numbers. Try it! And so, that means it has a 50% chance to be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Now, we can construct an inequality. Since the number has a 50% chance of being less or equal to 5, we can do “If random number from 1 to 10 <= 5, do broadcast message on channel “Common””. Why the channel? Because we need to tell another device that we got a common weapon. See what I mean?
  • Do GKC. Test things out. Ask other people why things work. There’s a reason why other people in the world exist: A: To help you, B: Because they do.

That’s how I learned the game, but I understand that other people learn things differently from me.


yeah. I would like that if I could

That’s basically how I learned

I would try to make guides on technical stuff, but my code is extremely messy.



ooh I cant wait for its release
anyways gtg

That is honestly the most organized device area I’ve ever seen, at least better than my games.

Yeah, I should’ve shown this one.

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oh. that’s the most organized device area i’ve seen!

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Still really organized, according to me.

a bit copy-paste but whatever I guess

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He was making a joke. (Probably…)

Who said so?
JK, I was making a joke.

let’s not get too off-topic…


I used to do this, but I recently just started labeling and grouping systems. It basically doubled my efficiency, and really helped me work better. It also gave me more time to procrastinate, which I personally see as a massive win :sweat_smile:

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What does that mean?

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It means that the OP learnt the game differently to how others would normally learn it im assuming…

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It means that what I described above was how I learned GKC, but I acknowledge the fact that not all people learned GKC the same way. For example, someone could’ve just figured everything out on their own.


Shwdy’s “guide” was a response to [Post Deleted By Author], otherwise known as “Rebuilding the Forums” – this post directed to others for the future of the forums or a “guide” in Oxford Dictionary sense.
Now, the time for this has already passed since the early telling of October 23, 2023 – the common knowledge has risen, and the post fulfilled its purpose. The average Joe from before couldn’t bear to count. Now, mechanisms of innovation lie in its works.

To summarize, the revolution is already over.

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