The Rise of Technical Gimkit

It says community made guidelines so I assumed that it was a guide.

but if you READ the post, you’d know its not a guide


Hey! Hold up! I didn’t even know The 7th Dragon had a ‘burmp’ until after I used my bermp.

okay then…
/: /

So, you’re saying you just saw the title, saw that it was in the guides section, then just complimented it without even knowing what the guide was about? :skull:


Welcome to the forums, @ShadowShade!
Make sure to check out new-user-must-read and forum-beginners!

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I read the guide, it is a great guide.
Thanks for making this guide :grinning:
Please stop being mean to me :disappointed_relieved:

Are you mean to me just because I’m 111?


First off. It’s not a guide.

Also, he is stating what you likely did, and the fact that you can’t deal with it is just immature.

You keep calling it a guide even though people have very clearly stated that it is less of a guide and more of an explanation of concepts.

Again, if you ACTUALLY READ THE POST, you would know that.

No one is “bEiNg MeAn To YoU” because you’re “111”, although you HAVE built up a reputation for being rather incompetent. They are correcting you because you made mistake that you’re not accepting.

I am not taking any more of your idiocy. This is my last reply to you before I mute you.


Have you been paying attention dude?

:expressionless: bruh, did you even read the posts that were directed at you?
For the last time, its not a guide.

It’s not being mean; its just you not being able to handle simple constructive criticism and you over exaggerating it then labeling constructive criticism mean.

You can’t follow simple criticism and break basic rules and now your making the excuse that people are being “mean” to you just because your 111?

If you don’t want people to criticize or to your thoughts be “mean” then actually accept the things people are correcting you with instead of whining that people are sooo “mean.”


What did the “guide” teach you then?


But we are technically getting off topic so Snom also says
:sparkles: Double Snom :sparkles:


111 has to realize that he is wrong- if we just let it be, he won’t understand why he is not right.

And, Snom is actually almost off topic- and getting QUITE annoying.

These pictures don’t solve anything.


You know that these “Snom” images don’t really contribute anything to the discussion, and is just borderline off-topic?


They work tho
but let’s get back on topic


This guide taught me that more and more people have been making amazing things in technical gimkit, shdwy also talked about reforming the forums.

Yes, yes, and yes!

Then you missed the entire point.

The guide’s not a “look at this, the community is so good” guide, that’s dumb, compiling what others have done in “technical gimkit”, the guide is telling you this:

Alright, alright, I see you said this:

But the way you wrote less about that part and didn’t really describe it well is… concerning. First of all, the things you talked about above are literally just the build up to the actual statement. The “guide” isn’t a “guide” in the sense that it’s gonna teach you something about GKC. This is a PSA that’s telling you that you, and other people in the communitiy need to stand up and think outside the box. Try technical gimkit! Why? Because one of the ways that new “quantum mechanics” will be learned in Gimkit Creative. Almost everything else is either a buildup or a filler.

In simpler terms, you paid attention to the wrong stuff. The stuff he was actually trying to say was:

Whereas it looks like you were trying to “learn” from this “guide” from this stuff:

Actually, what the heck? That was literally the only thing in the guide that mentioned someone making something in technical gimkit. So erm, try looking at what the guide is actually trying to say in the future!

To add on to my final statement of “This isn’t a guide”, we can see that in this short post, shdwy is asking to give Technical Gimkit a try. He barely does explain what technical gimkit is, although there is a link to quantum mechanics. But usually guides at least give a vague explanation on what the stuff its talking about is, right? Nope! Not really in this guide. Not sure if this was a design choice or something, but I’ll just assume its because its not supposed to be a guide, its supposed to be an awareness statement and a motivational speech.

So, going back at this, I was a bit “rude” in some parts of this post. So, I’ll give a shorter explanation here:

More and more people making amazing things in gimkit was not the focus of the guide, and “Shdwy also talked about reforming the forums” is kind of an understatement. Instead, I think it should sound like “In this PSA, Shdwy tries to get people to try out technical gimkit because in his opinion, that’s the way the forums can continue to rise up. He uses Blackhole’s chess project as an example of wild things people are making in Gimkit.”


The post that you wrote above that completely ruins your credibility.
Read what pi wrote.


Hi. It’s Fersion.

Anyways, what i’ve heard is when GKC was made, it was very simple questions that can be answered now.
If we’re REALLY trying to start a revolution, then that means i gotta learn more stuff then. It’s not just because i want to fit in, i guess it’s just i want the forums to be active after all.
I didn’t expect things at the start from “How to make Answer Questions button?” To “How do i make chess?” though.



didn’t someone ask that on like day 2 of GKC?