The Popup đź’¬: Explained

Thanks, already published it because I want to actually relax a bit.
Not finished with it yet–there’s a lot to go…


This is so weird, I was just thinking ab pop ups and using them for a game, and literally JUST checked how much memory it is,

can you…… read my mind?


Nope, I can’t. Not done with it yet, though. I’ll guess I’ll edit a bit.


cute post!

Nice guide keep it up

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this is a completely pointless guide, it was already all covered in TUGTAD2 by @Im_Pretty_Cool:


Yes, but that guide explains every device. This guide focuses on just one, and there will be other concepts I will be explaining that will be useful for this device. Such as, wiring options. If that was the case, many other explained or depth-in device guides would be taken down.

this guide doesn’t have any more than TUGTAD2 does
and why post wip guides when the draft button exists

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you could also include sections on what popups are useful for and how to make them

THAT’S what I will do. Eventually. I have to leave now. Sorry.

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how to make popups…?


mechanics you often use them in

probably 1 reason:
they also have another draft, and discourse won’t let people have 2 drafts.

is this still a wip or should I remove the tag?

if it isnt still a wip then its pointless
this is all already in tugtad2


fair enough. good point.

There’s not much distinction between the two; one explains just this specific topic while the other explains this topic and more. In this scenario, explaining more than just the popup doesn’t imply that they wouldn’t be very precise about the popup. In fact, the other resource does indeed include wiring options about the popup (channel options, albeit but the two are very similar in the sense of what they do, not efficiency, there are some scenarios when you would want to use one over the other, but I digress). If you are passionate about creating this guide though, then I’m not trying to discourage you, in fact, go ahead, the world’s your playground, it’s fun to see how people can expand on things, you could add many other details to this guide (most likely primarily examples), but the current state seems kinda… eh. As @CringeKarlScott stated, I’d probably suggest using the draft button even if you seem kind of unsure if you should post something or not since many people will feel more judgey and critical towards it, and unless you want help with a section or people’s current thoughts, you’d likely want to avoid that.


Finally done, now! :slight_smile:

Oh shoot, I just noticed that there’s already a guide on checkpoint. Let m’ change the votes. Sorry.

Well—maybe I won’t. Idk.

what do we need?

next explained guide
  • teleporter
  • crafting table
  • property
  • checker
  • trigger
  • button
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