The Guide Warnings [LOCKED]


layers be like


seeing that 3 are @ClicClac 's


seeing that 3 are @ClicClac 's


[quote=“Here_to_help, post:19, topic:4088, full:true”]

finding layers for the first time:

“hmm, i wonder what this button does”
* clicks *


my computer:


Me: Brain do owies


I’m leaving unless something useful/important happens.

Bro. If you want an apology, you don’t have to be deceptive. Just ask.

i have… he never has apologized though

he said he would apologize once u were on, trying @ing him if you want one that bad.

i told him

but anyhow @CringeKarlScott could you apologize? pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?

Maybe I should work on a lag machine that destroys a players pc when they get too close

I believe said lag machine is called the thing where you move layers up and down.

Yes, that would work, but I was aiming for an in game substiture

You could try a repeater triggering a thousand repeaters that runs a bunch of block code and transmits on a channel, along with having wirei repeater clocks giving everyone items, and an inventory item manager that only allows the person to have 1 of each item…

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And so do I…

Nice! I’m still working on getting all posts read.