Devices Needed:
x1 Button
x However Many Fish you want Popup
x1 Vending Machine (Optional)
x1 Trigger
x However many poups you have Item Granter
FYI, I use wires instead of channels!
First, you wire the button to a vending machine, make them receive no reward, and make them need like 1 bait or something.
Now, wire the vending machine to a popup
(this is the one you see that says fishing.)
Make the Popup say something like fishing… and maybe a fish or water as the icon, make sure it’s not closable by the player.
Now, also wire the vending machine to the trigger with a delay. The delay is however long you want the player to wait to catch a fish.
Now, once you have waited the time of the delay, you need a result. Here, I’ll make it so there are 2 results as I don’t want you reading for the rest of eternity. So go into the blockcode for the trigger like this:
This basically means that the game chooses a random number through 1 to 2 and if 1, they go on a certain channel and if 2, they go on the other channel. You can make more options by making the max higher and repeating the process with different numbers.
Now, make a popup that opens when receiving on option 1, and write what you want, maybe like you caught a red fish and put the icon or maybe like, you didn’t get anything. If you give them an item, make sure to wire the popup to an item granted. Do the same thing with the other popup. You finished! Congrats!
Make sure to wire the trigger to the first popup to close it. Also, here’s the link for items and icons: Items