The GimSolvian way to make a map

GimSolver, I know this is off-topic, but I’m sorry about what happened yesterday with my guide. Can you forgive me?


I added it. Is that ok?


That’s what I was hoping you’d do!


Yeah, everyone makes mistakes.

Now back on-topic


and this is why I cant publish Ideas I had because I know it aint original like gimnite was what I really wanted to make and was my first ever map then many months later other gimnites come out


This is an awsome guide. I agree with many others that people on Discovery need to know this. :+1:

(Bumping idea by eiqcrmeliutgwhc)

Bump? Idk how this works…

Also this guide is kinda wrong because GK8 isn’t that neat but it’s an amazing game that a lot of people play

What? GK8 isn’t neat? Where? [1]

  1. Signed, the GK8 dev. ↩︎

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There are random visible triggers and other devices around the map, it’s not the neatness but it’s an amazing game,

Have you played it recently? Like in the last month? I went through the game and hid every device that shouldn’t be visible. [1]

  1. You should go check it out! ↩︎

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Well my point still stands, when it was messy, and not neat, people still played it.

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I was racing then just got teleported back to the start in the middle of the first lap, also, can I have a kart?
The vending machines should have images like emojis over them.

No to the Kart. I’ll show you my speed system, it’s huge. Karts usually go to prominent GKC users. So, the 11th Kart (If it ever happens) would go to someone like GimSolver. No to the emojis either. If you can replicate the bug, I’ll spend another couple weeks trying to fix it.

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The bug replicated. I used blizzard kart on Beanine map. I just go down then get teleported to the kart selection area in the middle of the race

Ooh! That would be nice! I asked back in December but I guess I wasn’t well-known back then
Ahh, yes, I asked in December

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This probably means that the timer I had in place doesn’t stop when you get transported to the next location. Nice find!

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ooh can I have a cart then?
I honestly don’t care if you don’t do whatever

Ngl, 12 is a really nice number when designing a roster. I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, you two need to write up a paragraph on your bio. It would make the already slow process go much faster! [1]

  1. One of you will probably end up as a secret Kart. Any preferences to where and how? ↩︎

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