The Gimkit Awards!

YES I can finally be seen for what I am, a map builder, I have been working on one for 4 months


I don’t use discord @Blackhole927


That’s perfectly fine! Everything about the event is posted in both the discord and the forums, so there isn’t anything that’s exclusive to either platform.


Going significantly better then this place, I’ll tell you that much

Just check the separate topic for the voting, pleas.


We might want to ask before we do this…

We don’t have a schedule; we usually do several a week.


Don’t see what problems could arise, honestly. I think you all just worry too much.

It’s a blatant violation of the forum rules to a pretty large degree, plus links to games are actually blocked by the forum filter.

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yeh I forgot that topic existed woops ._. anyways see ya later

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Better get to writing a request then, kiddo. It’s your side of the equation who’d be having a problem.

Ok thank

will you change your pfp here to femstable as well


Welcome to the forums @J-soog remember to read:
@mysz okie I don’t have discord so thx for da info

j-soog is a mod on the discord btw


Oh, that’s cool!

Then welcome to the Forums J-Soog! Hope you have a great time here.

this actually means we have all the mods on the forums now



oh and @Jamool as a previous mod


Welcome to the forums, @J-soog!

Yooooo! The game is so cool! Eras, great. Secrets, crazy. Ways to find people, awesome. (Also any chance I could be in the game?) Can’t wait for the full thing to come out!

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Ugh… just realized the voting process takes place during exam month (at least for collegeboard), so I guess I should probably say that you shouldn’t ever prioritize this over your education and you should put any exams you have first, and study for those instead of doing anything gimkit award related. Not sure how I didn’t realize this until now, but yeah. If your school has exams coming up during the voting period… prioritize those.

Grades > Gimbucks.


yeah, but what if I finished all the school stuff and there is only a week left till voting? I have four games in the making, how could I do all that?
