is a reward for best animated game like with walking sentries and moving props etc.?
Does this have anything to do with GimUN or the Gimmie Awards?
@Blackhole927 @Unstable how will you know the mps if you don’t know the names.
also what if your map uses platformer and top to bottom
Yes it’s here finally!
Nope, the idea was thought up and implemented independantly.
no it does not
this is official and jus better too
No, we started planning this in December, or at least, I did.
well, I think we all know who is going to win
who will win this
M1dnight of course, who else? (Although @LOFINIGHT is a very good thumbnail maker)
Can we have a more detailed explaination?
Does Jeff have anything to do with this besides the new catagory?
How did you make a new category?
Also, notice!
@Blackhole927, how do you have access to this category, also, how do you give gimbucks?
darn! I have not finished my game!
josh made category, not jeff
Bedwars counts as a game remake, right?
@Unstable when should we give you the map.
Also my map is basically two maps but it recreate 1 game.
ughh that’s what I get for slacking. It would have been epic.
well, there’s no point in trying. all my work is underrated anyways.
I’m glad that this is here but sad because I’m not popular but good luck everyone who is popluar on the forums
wait who removed my reply not nice also help me with this situation mentioned about someone being hurt badly by glass nvm
how do people get nominated?