The Gimkit Awards!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So many things make sense now.


May. Exact date is undecided, could shift around a bit so we’re not gonna reveal that yet.

So… how are we doing this? I’m kinda confused…

@Blackhole927 ?is there goin got be one for best animated game like with moving sentries and props, and or hardest yet possible parkour map?

@Blackhole927 post 24 and post 42 I think.also 50

How about best clicker game?

Can people get multiple awards?
When the new gamemode comes out will it change anything?
Do you know the Muffin Man?

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Hey, this looks similar to this. Except for the prizes though. But I like the name ‘The Gimkit Awards’ better.

I already said, if it’s not in the categories listed in this topic, no.

There will be two votes, a nomination vote and a final vote. The maps nominated in the nomination vote will then be voted on in the final vote. Make sense?

If we don’t know the name of the creator of the map, we’ll just mention the name of the map.
Regardless of if your map uses top-bottom or platformer, it’s still up for nomination. There arent any platformer specific categories though.


@Blackhole927 the and part don’t forget

Can we recommand maps to yall?

Yes, that makes more sense hehe thank you.

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my map basically is two maps.

In theory, yes. But I highly doubt it will happen.

This could be considered similar to the entire gimmie awards lol. We didn’t steal this idea from anyone, so it’s not a problem.

Just nominate the map when the time comes.

No, there’s nothing it would effect lol

Alright I have no more questions, but I’ll be sure to ask if I do. Thanks a lot Blackhole for answering all 100 of my questions. Thanks for doing this fun event for us, I’ll be sure to get to work on my maps. (I don’t have likes)

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I don’t think this will be allowed, since It’s kind of similar to using similar techniques for doubling the memory of a map. Will have to check with @unstable though.

@Blackhole927 legobuilder has a big game almost ready…it is a remake of a roblox game, you collect items before a nuke strikes and then go in bunker where you must surrvive randomized experiences of raiders, robbers, mutant bugs, and make deals to surrvive…while you have energy, hunger, and food bar…and go on expiditions to collect items…almost entire game is randomized for unique experience every gameplay…how likely would this be to win…legobuilder does not want to waste his time on this fjust for it to not even come close and possibly miss its full potential rushing its finishing touches. Do you think this could win?

idk lol

To be clear, we have no say in what map wins, so ask yourself if the community would vote that map.

Aaaaaa my fingers hurt lol. Gonna keep going though. Any more questions anyone?

Are the awards for forum people or just people who have a Gimkit account?
Just this entire thing is so confusing…