The BrownSugarAlien guide to making sweets!

oh ok I will

like this?

And the other things. It’ll make your candy look more impressive.

wow you are right it does look impressive!

And maybe make the lollipop’s big circle a bit smaller so that the band looks like it’s going around the lollipop.

Like this for an example.

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like this?

Screenshot 2024-10-19 10.33.40 AM

Yes like that! Now it looks really good!

thanks I really appreciate it

No problemo!

How is strawberry cake candy? I won’t question it…

Someone add fruit. Aren’t they natures candy? ;–;

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I’m going to make macarons next

You can add the strawberry cake candy and fruit. (I’m not sure if anyone else would want to add fruit) You can make anything if you want.

Someone already made macaroons. You can look at the ideas section to see what isn’t made yet @Himselfisdumb.

is snickers made yet?


oh I can make it then!

Go ahead.

anything I should add?

Screenshot 2024-10-19 10.56.50 AM
I gtg somewhere so yeah just gimme ideas of what I should add
I will be back

Try to imitate the actual candy maybe?

im back

i tried to imitate it like you said but yeah it didn’t work


I tried to copy the red border