Text Operations (collab w/ getrithekd, wip, dont click or edit please)

Why is that needed though?
It doesn’t actually change anything. If we only support a-z and A-Z, or maybe add a capslock keycode to save space, we can get 8 letters.

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, CAPSON, CAPSOFF, NEXTLETTERSHIFT, ,.?, 1234567890

42 chars

log_43(10^14) = 8.6 characters


We’re trying to find the maximum info we can cram into a property.

Oh wait! I thought about the keycode, but I thought it wouldn’t do anything! I was thinking about base 2! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Adding shift as a keycode instead of using each character is a game changer

whats a keycode

So we still have this many numbers left to do something. Maybe doubles as a regular number property?


a=1, b=2, c=3, etc

Wait, what do you mean?

So 0 = Yes and 1 = No? Wait we’ll have to encode that in its own digit for each letter.

Oh, like the affine cipher where each letter is represented as a number modulo n?

I have no idea what youre talking about, but basically a number = a character

so the keycode of a is 1
and the keycode of ? is 42

replied to wrong person whoops

Yeah, that’s the entire idea of it.

So each letter either has a caps, or a not cap, so we will need a keycode for each and every character.

So you want to cram as many letters as possible into an encoded string?


What is the current maximum amount of letters in your string? And why can’t you put any more in the string?

Well, here are some message examples:


Yes No Maybe So
Shiftyes Shiftno Shiftmaybe Shiftso


And you’re also trying to make a shift key?

Ok. That makes more sense.

Well the shift key saves space and lets us keep 8 characters per property