I’m going to change the title to Text Operations.
How would that save space though?
Base 60 would give us the same amount of characters, will less redundant space. This means that we might be able to store more characters per property. I don’t know for sure though, since I haven’t done the math.
Apparently I can’t edit the title.
Base 72 would allow for a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and SHIFT+1 to SHIFT+0
What is Shift +1 and Shift +0?
Ok. How many digits is that, including decimal places? We have like 11 integer places and 3? decimal places. log base 72 of 1*10^14 is what? I hope I did my math right.
Well, properties I think are limited to three digits of decimal prescision
Ok. I got 7.5, if my math is right. I’ll test the precision of properties.
Just tested, at 99,999,999,999.9999 it rounds to 10,000,000,000.
Ok. So 3 places it is!
So how much data can that store then?
I can only do base 2 and base 10 math lol, base 72 is confusing
I still like 72, since it gives us room for that property to double as a regular number property. It would be 7 characters still.
So we have 1*10^14 different numbers. How many exponents of 72 can we fit? Hint: log base 72.
7.5, but without base 72 we can do 7 anyway…
Yeah, but the property can still double as a reasonable number property.
2nd one is the chain rule. Flipping the order on the left visualizes it better.
Discussion of base optimizations.