Team picking in a 4-team game

I want to have a 4 team game, and I have zones for the player to choose their team. I want a countdown when everyone is in a team spot, and then the game starts. How would I go about doing that.

Team switchers connecting to counters, which countdown. Make the counters transmit on notification so you can see the numbers as they go down i think? i hope this helps you. Good luck with your game! If this doesn’t work, just say so, I’m sure there will be a better solution later!


How would I make the counter start going down when everyone is in a team choice though?

Hmm. Maybe … I don’t know. Maybe have it countdown from the beginning, so they have a limited amount of time to choose a team


Welcome to the forum, @Horses_Are_Awesome !! To mention users by name, do the @ symbol and then their username.

Ty @The_7th_Dragon !! Ok, ty! I am happy to be here :slight_smile:


Make a player counter. Each time someone goes in the zone, increment counter A. Each time they leave, decrement it. Connect it to a property. Use a checker to check if this property is equal to the player counter property. If so, set all the players speed to zero (so they can’t change), and start the timer.


Oh don’t worry, I’m only the first to welcome you, expect at least 3 or 4 more people doing so :)). Also be sure not to off topic post, since new users accidentally do so often.

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Where would the player counter come from? I know that I could count how many players are in zones, but I don’t know about the total amout of players.

You could probably use this guide:How to make a LIVE player counter 🟨


It doesn’t even need to be live, if you make late joiners spectators. Lifecycle → relay → counter (increment) linked to property.


Welcome to the forums, @Horses_Are_Awesome!!!

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Welcome to the forum, @Horses_Are_Awesome!

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I’m just going to sum this up with one response because it wasn’t a great summary in any of the others.

You have a property for each zone that changes for the player to see if you are in that zone. Then when the number of players in any zone (updated how @ClicClac said) is equal to the total number of people, you run block code. The block code checks if you are in a zone, and if so it changes you to that team. Then you have the team spawners where you want that team to spawn.

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