Switching teams causes death

I’m making a tag-style map, and I need to switch teams. I need to actually switch teams to have the tag zones work properly, but I don’t want the team switcher to kill the player every time they switch teams. How would I do this?

@GimAI /gimai_help I’m making a tag-style map, and I need to switch teams. I need to actually switch teams to have the tag zones work properly, but I don’t want the team switcher to kill the player every time they switch teams. How would I do this?

Thinking of a response…

thats the thing.you dont

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You could set up a property to make something similar to a team. However, this might not work with a tag zone or could require lots of configuring. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Property: Set up a Property device for each player that will store their team number.

    Property Setup:

    • Property Type: Number
    • Property Value: The initial team number
  2. Zone / Button / etc.: When a player wants to switch teams, have them trigger an event, like entering a specific zone or pressing a button.

  3. Checker: Set up a Checker device that, upon the event being triggered, checks the current team of the player by looking at the Property.

    Checker Setup:

    • Check Condition: Property Value (from the player’s team Property)
    • Check Outcome: If value = x (where ‘x’ is the current team number), then change the property.

This approach will allow you to switch teams without killing the player, as the game mechanics are being directed by the Property device rather than the Team Switcher device, which inherently causes the player to respawn.

Remember to configure the game rules, tag zones, or any other team-based mechanics to check the team Property of the player rather than the actual assigned team.

I hope this clarifies your query! Please, feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

@GimAI /gimai_dislike Tag Zones require real teams, not properties

thats why its says it might not work with a tag zone

theres no other way to do it lol


You do realize that you posted on this topic
after the conversation ended?

@spokgbob please don’t necropost please