Superhero help & ideas and how to make them šŸŒ§

I suggest doing this!

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iron man sounds great but i need a way you can become iron man

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Super man:
Laser eyes, use evil eyes
x5 stregth
(if a eneemy has krypotnite then superman takes 100 dmg

yeah but it doesnā€™t dmg him
it just weakens him
kinda harshā€¦

why do the strongest people get the most sad weaknessesā€¦

well u need a debuff or it wil be op
(why do i look at life throught the eyes of video gamesā€¦)

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Lol I donā€™t know

That might need to be an ability or something.

wait yeah, then super man would litterally 1 tap

well most of us got our first around 5-7 ish
(I miss 2017ā€¦)

bro might be the only sane one among us
(I swear if somebody replies saying IS THAT A AMONG US- , Iā€™ma fr cry)
(yeah we fr getting off topic)

Please stay on-topic.

also guys how would we have kryptonite and also if we get it how to we make it be that if someone has it then the player who Is superman take damege


wait thats trueā€¦
i dunno wt to doā€¦
lemme experiment

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Can you please mark a solution if you found something you liked, or if you found new ideas? I donā€™t want this to turn into a never-ending idea chain. (Not saying thatā€™s a bad thing though. :smiley:)


@Artemis i srtill need help


What help do you need? Specifically

well i am still awai=ting hwo to make iron man and the kyrpotine of supermamn


To make iron man
Have a button that upgrades shield and the ability to use missiles to break down walls
Special effect