Do you want to make your Gimkit have questions to answer to make your Gimkit more “educational”? Well, here are some suggestions! *This is my first post, so I can’t add multiple images. Sorry *
Add the energy to move feature.
This is a common thing you can see in official Gimkit gamemodes. You need to answer questions to gain energy, to move. Without energy, you can’t move. Move using energy tutorial | Difficulty: (2/10)
Add a question for money feature.
This is a popular thing people do. You can make it so you need to answer questions to earn money. That money could be used to unlock places, items, and more. Questionnaire wire on answered correctly => Item granter wire grant item*
Make a question unlockable door.
This is not as common, however still very possible. You can make a barrier deactivate (in this case, the door) when the player answers a question. Questionnaire wire on answered correctly => Barrier wire deactivate barrier*
That’s all! Thank you so much for reading, and I will be adding more to this! Please reply to this with suggestions!