Strange Tagging Bug

got to go. im just going to mark a solution and if the problem still persists i will figure it out later.

Donā€™t mark the solution until you have the solution.

i have trust that your idea up there will work. I will just test it out later

But I donā€™t have my trustā€¦ I made this idea in my first map, and it didnā€™t work, but I was trash then, so this might work.

fine, i unsolutioned it. (definitely a wordā€¦)

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ACO is the bane of my existence. It trumps EVERY OTHER TYPE of AUO, meaning that you canā€™t just abuse ADO or AWO to fix it. Only way to fix ACO is to delete EVERY INSTANCE of a channel, then use a different channel. Itā€™s literally easier sometimes to just flip what the channels around, so ACO works in your favor.

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ok, so maybe it isnā€™t AUO, or ACO, or whatever you guys were talking about, because i made 4 new different channels, and just made the triggers that triggered them go like, when triggered ā†’ trigger. still didnā€™t work. but i switched the tag zones so team 2 was first and team 1 was second, and team 2 was able to tag, then the timer ended and then neither team could tag. so i just DONT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AND ITS REALLY ANNOYING CUZ I JUST WANT TO MAKE MY GAME

(Iā€™m raging a bit right now, sorry.)

ok, so i deleted the tag zone and readded it AND NOW IT WORKS. (wow, what a massive waste of time, i should have done that first). THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED!


how did you make a blank text box?



Iā€™m just good

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