Stealing Resources

I think it would create a little intrigue and strategy if resources gained were able to be stolen. Is there any way to do this?

Right now, I have similar to the farmchain mode, where you progress through various resources to unlock others. The top item in my game is a gimfish. The winning score is based on the most gimfish. After they’re obtained it would be interesting if they could be stolen.

Any ideas? I’ve created home bases for each player (free for all mode). Thinking through this, maybe I could force players to do something with those gimfish in their home bases? Then they’d run the risk of being stolen by other players…

I know there has to be a simple solution. But I’m struggling atm.


Add a device combo that takes the players gimfish, and increases a property. Then, make it so if anyone from the other team presses a button, they get the amount of gimfish equal to the amount of the property, and the property gets reset.

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I might be wrong. This was off the top of my head.

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With a trigger and an item inventory manager, I think I can now sabotage other players by deleting their gimfish, however, those are not truly stolen and given to the stealing player, they are just destroyed.

The property suggestion didn’t seem to have the options I needed.

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You have to give the illusion of the fish being taken. The basic concept is that the amount of fish player 1 has is stored. His fish are deleted, and player 2 gets that many fish. The property is just there to store a number.

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I follow the concept, but am struggling to figure out which devices to use to make it happen. I tried properties and couldn’t make sense of what to do. Then I went to the item inventory manager and saw the ability to make the item go to 0.

So more specifically, which devices do I need to use to give the facade of stealing?

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This is all speculation, as in I can’t test it right now, but if you have a button connected to a piece of text, so when the button is pressed, the wire block will run, and have the block set a property equal to the amount of an item you have, and then transmit on a channel, which an inventory item manager will pick up and clear that item from your inventory,

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Follow this, but without the dying part (checker, etc.)


Does this work without death?


Ok. I finished setting up everything in my game now, except the stealing.

I looked at the post about stealing lives from people and it’s got good concepts in there, but I do not think it is what I need.

I understand most of the components of gimkit creative, but I still can’t figure it out.

Specifically, How do i make it so where a trigger/button is pressed, then a check is run on the player (out of 20) whose base was just compromised? I think the way I have it set up right now, the check would be run on the player who clicked the trigger. (The thief not the intended victim.)

The next thing I’m not getting. I can run checks to see if the player we’re trying to steal from has any of the resources we’re trying to steal, but then how do we take those exact resources (weapons, bait, blue fish, etc) and transfer that exact amount to the thieves account?

I feel like the answer lies in using blocks to run something to get the amount of resources a targeted player has, and then if those resources exist, deducting them from the victim to give to the thief. (With 20 different teams/players in the game.)

I’ll keep on tinkering with it, but if somebody has already figured this out or can tell me which devices will make this work, please advise. Thank you.


Use a relay for the team whose base is compromised.


Bump. I’m beginning to think stealing is not possible.

The relay doesn’t help to ensure that the victim loses the resource.

When I run over the trigger now, the game looks at the amount of item the thief has and gives the thief that many of the item. I can’t make it look at how many of the item the victim has, and give that amount to the thief.

In blocks everything is about the triggering player, there are no options for choosing a specific player or team.


This didn’t work because with this method the player is always losing exactly 1 of the item. I want to be able to take the specific amount of the resource that the player has.


Set the amount of each teams item as a property. Give the theif that amount of item when a button is pressed, by having a different channel broadcasted on for each amount of the item, up to a cap. When the button is pressed, connect a relay to an inventory item manger, so when the button is pressed, that team loses all of their item.

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I appreciate your help @ClicClac

I already have a property for every item in the game (5). (I’m just testing on one though.) I have an inventory manager for each of those items too.

I just ran the setup you suggested with Button to Relay to Inventory Manager. When I pressed the button in game both the thief and the victim lost all of their item.

So, gotta figure out how it will only affect the victim, and also have to make it credit the thief with the exact item amount the victim had.

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So close! You need a property to represent every teams amount of the score item.

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I would send a photo of the block needed, but I’m typing on Apple Watch right now.


I’m 5 days late but
Welcome to the Gimkit Community! :raised_hands:


Thanks Argo.

@ClicClac Which device am I editing the blocks in?