Standardizing Difficulties

Well, @getrithekd, I feel like if the guide provides no explanation then it’s hard to rank. Or if it only uses pictures/words. What I’m saying is you can’t compare packing your lunch and riding the bus.

Explanation of what?

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here let me help you out @Cameron_Sharer ok so look @getrithekd if there nothing typed in a guide then you can’t rate the steps which make it hard to rate.

and if there no steps how are you able to do it? just do what the pic says?

If the guide nothing, then yes. But if it only has pictures, then you still rate it. It would just be harder than the actual mechanism.

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ok here re read this again

this was also added in the rateing

see where i getting at here? if there no steps yeah sure you can still rate it with the pics but how would you be able to do it correctly without steps? espcially if you a new gim.

Aren’t we both saying the same thing? We should rate how easy it is to make the thing the guide guides you on, based on both the difficulty of the mechanism and the effectiveness of the communication.

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;-; i saying that if you have

or all it easier to rate becuase u can easily understand if it long an require code it a different story but if you have like what one or two of em it could be harder to understand or rate because u might not know what to do in it or how to do it. but if it just very easy then it very easy to rate unless it a lot to code and stuff

So a guide without those gets a higher difficulty, and a guide with those gets a lower difficulty.

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it can be opposite too depending it it easy or not or hard to understand or easy to understand


try making it or trying out a guide first in ur gimkit map before rating it to test if it easy or hard or you can’t understand or u can understand the guide but that all from me from giving rating tips hoped it helped


also please tell me u read the 2 last replies i sent @getrithekd


I read them.


ok good i wanted to make sure u didn’t just started rating guides depending on the ways to write a guide. but uh good luck on the rating


The ways of writing a guide do influence how hard the guide is. Isn’t that what you are saying? With only a few elements, the guide would be very hard, even if it was like only 5 devices.

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ok let me try again the rating it depends on the guide in 4 ways 1is it easy for you 2 is it hard for u 3 can u understand it and 4 are u not able to understand it and the fifth one is bonus 5 test out the guide and see if it works to improve the rating a bit if u want. but if the guides doesn’t work and u can’t figure it out u can also put that on the rating.


The way a guide is written influences how well you understand it.

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yeah almost like that OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT IT ALSO IF OTHER CAN UNDERSTAND IT TOO alright i gotta hop off i really hopes this help!

I’m gonna once again argue the only thing that matters is how much the reader needs to understand/learn:

When typing numbers into a calculator, you aren’t doing anything difficult. I mean if I want to find the derivative of 3x^2-2x, typing it into a calculator isn’t difficult.

But actually understanding the power rule and working it out yourself is actually difficult.