Is there a way to make it so that there’s only one person on a team?
Yes. Use a team modifier and choosing a random team down the list.
But I don’t want it to be random. I want it to be specific.
Lifecycle (Game Start) → Relay (Random Player)
Relay (Random Player) → Team modifier (Team 2)
If this is for everyone to be on their own team, make it a free for all (in settings)
How to do one or more vs the rest Do this if not though.
Ik, just have something triggering wired to a team modifier and choose a team on the list.
So what kind of specific player do you want to be on a separate team?
Do you mean something like game host, or someone on a certain team, or something else?
I still have to test with a friend
set the gamemode to cooperative and riley random players to teamswitcher to team 2
Like a juggernaught or everyone is alone on a team? If its a juggernaught type concept, then col1n and idk are right, if its everyone alone on a team, then in map options, you can set it to teams, and set max players per team to 1.
I just tested it it works
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