Some super easy map ideas even I could do!

Nice post @TryEverything. But can a TL3 please change this to a guide instead of help because this is not asking for help. Edit: Also please cover up the j0in c0de.

Done. I added the appropriate tags, and put it in community made guides.

Um… the jO1n code? Code of Conduct?

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Oops! sorry about that :slight_smile:

It’s fine as long as it’s no longer working.

I am not sure if this is a idea guide or just a list of what they think you should make.

It’s more of a idea-catalog. I added the tag.

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yeah, but we don’t need to add tags that will only be used once or twice, the ideas would have worked fine, just saying…

These are all great ideas! I’ll make sure to try some of them!

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The ideas tag typically is for Help posts, I guess. Besides, it would take a while to remove the tag from all Help posts so people could find this type of guides.


it is for both Community Made Guides and Help, we need to make a guide on what each tag should be used for because this issue seems to be happening a lot lately.

There already is one. @twofoursixeight has a guide on it.


Here’s the guide link.


No, one that is up to date a more specific, like what group it should be used for, not just, “used to get ideas”. Like this is used for Community Made Guides and Help post that is for getting ideas or giving ideas for game modes. see the diffrence.

And welcome to the forums! (14 hours ago, but still, it is good to welcome.)

I would just edit his. I already have recently. Do you want to help me reword it?

You can, but it may take some post of asking what is what, but if you know most, go for it. It will help a lot.

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that’s kind of mean…

Mean? I meant it wasn’t Help and it was Community Made Guides, originally, they had got it wrong. :laughing:

oh sorry! :sweat_smile: it’s just that I saw lots of people reply with mean comments of forums and the creators didn’t enjoy those comments

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