Some help with prison simulator

Hi! I’m making a prison simulator, and I’ve run out of ideas. Any suggestions for things to add? Any help would be appreciated.

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A cafeteria where people can find spoons or drinks to break out of prison. A secret hole in the cell that can be used to break out. Crafting supplies to craft items.


have a counter then have a massive cell and they half to haterher up random stuff in the cell to break out


stuff like solitary confinement and disabled kos which means that you can only shoot prisoners who have contraband.


An escape route, prison mafia.


Weapon smuggling


Other people who have already escaped from prison can come back and free inmates one at a time, make different ways to escape and good luck!

Digging, cutting, and chipping. Have you ever heard or played the game Escapists? Really cool prison game with multiple maps. There are different items you can find in other people’s desks, and you can craft materials if your intelegence is high enough. There are also jobs, guards, and other cool stuff, including missions in Escapists 2.
Click here for the Escapists Wiki

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please mark a solution!

Secret rooms with secret loot, traders, a place to earn money, a cafeteria, vents, a break room for the guards, and a secret way out!

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