Hi! so recently I made a “Pseudo-Momentum” Guide, the only reason it was Psuedo and not just momentum is because currently we cannot detect if the playing is moving down a slope. However now I have a theory, if we can get the players position and check if the position right under them has collision, if it does we can check if to the right of that position has collision, if it doesn’t chances are they are moving down a slope, but just to be sure we move down from that position twice and if that doesn’t have collision then they are very likely moving down a slope.
this is clay-institute because we cannot do this until we can check collision based on coordinates yet.
What we know
The “player coordinates” device will be needed.
we cannot check for collision by changing player position, unless we want a million teleporters on the map and we do not have the memory for that at all.
What we don't know
How to check for collision based on player coordinates
Systems made that get close to (or even accomplish) this goal
more memory efficiency, its not exactly efficient to place zones or lasers on every single slope in your map (especially if there is a lot of them, like there will be in my map.)
Ah. So you’re doing something like Solar Slope Jumps? Well then I’m out of ideas. Other than zones, I think this may not be possible YET. I HAAAATE having to say something’s not possible.
idk what exactly you mean by slope detection but uh
pretty sure you can just tilt a zone
or make a special shaped pseudo zone with coordinates
or just use triggers and what not
but ur looking for memory saving stuff right?
you can store multiple origins and make a common radius for each of them using a distance formula making it expensive on memory with 500 mem but costs less when you need to have an abundance of them because it would be stored in 1-6 blocks depending on how much blocks you need we would just need to figure out how to optimize the blocks of which i think i can handle but im about to leave school rn
No, mainly because I never really need to detect a double jump most of the time.
also want to keep this separated just Incase there is something exclusive to slopes we want to find out. I’ll still check it out Incase there is some information we could use.
If you put a zone around the barrier, then you can use a simple algorithm to determine relative positioning and such, and you would only need to put the zones on jumps with barriers I think.
So I mean no offense, but I’ve heard that the clay-institute tag shouldn’t be unless the problem seems almost unsolvable. Right now there is a solution- sort of- but uh even though it’s memory consuming it still works, right?
You could easily calculate it if the slopes all stayed the same angle, if the y is going up and to the right/left a certain amount we can figure out the degree. So that’s another way.