Shield Can Limit

it is true for all games including the original so I guess it was just programed

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that is what i said, it is a code we can’t mess with, we can make it have a larger shield maximum, but you can only get shield 50 from a shield can.

There is a workaround to get more shield from shield cans, but it 1. Requires turning healing item drops off, and 2. does not get around the above 50 shield cap.

yep so there is no workaround.

I set it to 75 with the starting shield. You can use health granters to increase above 50.

hmm health granters, got it to 75, so can’t you just have more health granters grant 25 on 25 on 25 till it reaches 300?

That doesn’t solve the bug itself. Please read the bug text in the original post.

Oh yeah that is standard, you can’t fix that, if you shield is over 50 on any game, creative or not even if its 51, you can’t increase it with a shield can. That is just the gimkit programming, nothing we can mess with.

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I think I should maybe write a guide on how to make an “alternative shield can”

Yeah that’s why I made the bug post in the first place.

but if i may ask, why make it if you know there is no way around it?

So the devs can fix it? That’s what the bugs category is for, right?

yes, but the best option you have of actually getting the devs attention is to email josh. he emails back at around 11:00am to 2:30pm CST and will do it on any week day. Plus he gave me the info on the blast ball hitbox before it was ever added to creative. That and added the boat prop on my request. He has many emails, but his main one is

Bro I don’t randomly email Josh because of a bug. There’s a protocol for bugs, and I’m just following that. And I’m pretty sure that the boat prop was coming out either way.

You two are like vinegar and oil. It’s like you guys are arguing in circles. Wolf, getrithekd wants the mods to fix the “bug”. End of story. Getrithekd, Wolf is just having a hard time why you want a “controversial feature” patched. Please stop circularly arguing about something that was answered a couple of times at this point.


Well I don’t email him on random stuff either, you know how in CTF how when DLD came out how you could walk through the teleporters with out buying them? I told him that, and this seems like something you should ask. Plus he wouldn’t mind. They prefure to here things from the community. And @ClicClac not to be rude but the analogy is oil and water, they don’t mix.

just use a overlay button thats connected to a vending machine which on purchase grants you shield. that simple. the 50 shield limit is not a bug it is a feature…

Yeah… it’s just that everybody keeps telling me the same things at different times and don’t read the big text that I put.

It may be a feature in snowball, but it’s a bug for my creative map.

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whats your memory at?