Send ideas for a multiplayer adventure game!

Put any suggestions you have for a multiplayer adventure game!
Your fellow developer,
Kelly Collins

What mechanics are you struggling with?

I’m not struggling, I just need ideas

This might help.

Welcome to the forums! @Kelly_Collins!

Don’t forget to check out the new-user-must-read and forum-tips tag.

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful, posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative.

While you’re at it, I suggest also reading the

TOS and FAQ.

If you need help with anything, just ask!

After all, this is a Community Forum :robot: !

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Thanks! I’ll take a look and see what inspires me!

Flag passing mechanic - hold a flag twice you die

Beat me to the punch. I just got TL2 and now a little thing shows up when someone posts for the first time? What’s that about?

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Welcome to the forums, @Kelly_Collins !

Welcome to the forum! Try this: What Game should I make? How about one of these: (@JoeTheChicken's Map & Theme Ideas)

I take that idea into consideration! Thanks!

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Thank you for the help! I take a look into this to see what might inspire me!

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Thank you for making me feel welcomed! :slight_smile:

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Try this guide as well:

Thank you for the suggestion!

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