Selecting a random team with hide and seek and attaching a waypoint

Hello! I’m making a challenge map with hide and seek, and the teams are in duos, but I can’t figure out how to make the relay pick a random team and then use a speed modifier with it.

Any ideas? I know there’s posts on specific teams but random teams are different.

Selecting a random team with hide and seek and attaching a waypoint - #16 by NavyCatZ Thanks to NavyCatZ for answering! However, is there anyway I could hook up a waypoint (or two waypoints) to the relays?

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What do you mean?

you can use a relay every person on a team wire it to the speed mod

and in map set it to 2 teams split even

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I’ll let @Vortex-Mist handle this one.


wait did mine not work?

idk mine was random

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wait i think i answered wrong

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i think they want even teams

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Ok, I don’t get that @Vortex-Mist. Wouldn’t you just use the lifecycle to broadcast to a trigger that uses block code to broadcast a random interger 1-2, and a relay recieves that message for team one when receiving 1, and when receiving two, both are set to the respective specific teams, and goes to the speed modifier?


you want to have players on a random team right?

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They are trying to make one of the teams have a speed upgrade.

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lol im sorry im so tired 2day lol, i realize how unclear that was


wait @Here_to_help alr answered, why am i still typing


@creative, If you test one and it works, don’t forget to mark that as a solution!


sorry i was busy i’ll test it rn

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but the teams are split into size so idk how many teams there are

Would setting the relay to “random player” then connecting it to a relay set to “all players on my team “ work?


I’ll test it either tomorrow, Monday, or Tuesday.


Yes it would, thanks! Is there any way I could attach a waypoint to both though? I’m assuming I need two waypoint devices, but what would I hook them up to?

Well, if there’s a waypoint on the seekers team, then that includes the random player. One waypoint should be good enough.

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Can you mark my answer as a solution?

Sure! Is there any way that you know of, hoever?

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