Seasons greetings, Game mechanics and decor

So I am making a four-season game, and I need ideas for a thumbnail, the game itself, mechanics, and overall the whole point. I want the thumbnail to have four squares, each with one season. What should the game involve and include?


Put this here please.

did you even read the whole thing?

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any ideas? i need help (mentally + physically)

So I am making a four-season game, and I need ideas for a thumbnail, the game itself, mechanics, and overall the whole point. I want the thumbnail to have four squares, each with one season. What should the game involve and include?

Is it a season vs season? Or p v e?
The Earth has stopped spinning. Winter and Summer are taking over. You, a warrior of the autumn Clan are deciding to fight back. Spring has decided to stay neutral, so they will trade with you, Winter and Summer. Fight back find the 4 season crystals, set Earth spinning



@max1 Thats epic my guy. I think you should be able to ally with spring

so how would the game work?

You start with five coins. You can buy a terrible weapon. Then you can fight. Every sentry killed is -1 health per realm. Each Real has 100 hp. There are also bosses worth boss for 10 health. They are worth more points, and give you coins. You can buy better weapons from spring. Which will be better or worse depending on if you’re fighting summer or winter. Each realm has 1 crystal you need. Spring will not give it to you so you have to infiltrate it


what could I put in the other seasons? (or add more to winter)


Snow piles to winter

this is the lobby

Fall has dead trees and a bunch of leaves, Summer should have just a few trees, spring should have a lot of trees and other plant life

And add a circle to the middle

ok, now i want a title to appear “floating side to side” like in some games when you hover over a button it starts to move

why a circle???

You can only interact with things in-game, except for teleporters

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Almost like a divider for the map, the boardroom; (if this is the small view) (i know its the lobby)

no, i just want it to appear moving side to side “floating like”