yeah no that won’t work it just goes to my school email or wixsite is our only choice.
It works for me!
when i tried to make it public for all this happens
let just do the email or wixsite instead.
oh I have my own site and since it is the same server I can see it from my side.
@here does anybody have a fifth idea? I am trying to replace collector…
Ok what did you want?(lot of clutter hard to see what all you need help with here)
A map idea that will take 10% memory
OK very very specific…I like it!
not ctf, escape room, obby, or maze
Ok give me a second…
- Freeze tag
- Arcade with tiny arcade games inside of each arcade machine
- A animation of cars pulling into a parking lot , sentries getting out and walking inside then out and pulling out… and maybe some little side conversations and some events randomized)
- why exactly 10 memory?
scroll through all of the above, but you can start from about 100 up
Also how would I make the animation?
You have wire repeaters where a car appears disappears and a copy appears a little further forward until hey are inside then activate and deactivate sentries to have them look like they are walking. and game overlays as text for conversations.
and maybe a in restaurant and handing out food that is ordered? maybe getting promoted sometimes? and demoted as well.
Thank you so much! instead, I will use this as my easter egg! Thank you @here, everybody for helping! now going to start a topic on the wix to stop the clutter! @Legobuilder, for helping when no one else would!
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