Roblox - ABCD - Help

Yeah, can you help me? We could do it with email

My email is
(Please don’t judge my name, I made it in 4th grade)

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Hey guys, let’s try not to get off topic here.
(directed for everyone)

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what time are you ready also we getting off topic let do this chatting on the wix or email @I_Like_Props

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Nobody was on. Me and @Magenta_Dragon were chatting last night

how was you able to chat?

We were both on and we enter a username in the top spot. Go there. I will be there too.

so just enter the username and that it?

also it expired already

gimkit new chat room Chat Room now let get back on topic.

It didn’t expire, and yours doesn’t work with school accounts.

can you resend the link again then? or do we do it on the wixsite?

It doesn’t work unless you make it yourself.
here is the instructions.
make a google site with your school account and add this embed code through the insert thingy on the right side.

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>


okay done now what now?

publish and use! you can share with people in your district the same link
can you use it? just check

yeah no that won’t work it just goes to my school email or wixsite is our only choice.

It works for me!

when i tried to make it public for all this happens

let just do the email or wixsite instead.

oh I have my own site and since it is the same server I can see it from my side.

plus my email has my name and the wixsite is weird @margimkitcreator