Ritual Circle 2.0! ⬜ 1/10

So Kat_Mac made a ritual circle guide (How to make a Ritual Circle! ⬜ 1/10), and I thought why not improve it?

First, you’re going to want to put lasers into a circle like this:
(I used small lasers and I also used a table in the middle as a guide. You can size the table to your preferred size.)

Then, add your star shape in the center:
(It’s okay if it’s not 100% centered, just try your best!)

OPTIONAL: Add lines coming from each point and crevice of the star:
(It helps for candle placements when we do that step next!)

Add candles on each line end (or wherever if you didn’t do the lines):

Finally, add the tomato sauce in the middle and you are done!

Have fun!


Switched to Art as this feels more like creating Art, as no devices, blocks, wires, channels, are involved.

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Thanks, I thought Kat_Mac’s was in community made guides oops Hope you enjoyed though!


Did it for you

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Nice guide!
Question why are the candles not at every corner or even its setting off my OCD

Fun Fact

I got to be a sacrifice in Kat’s circle :moyai:


Yeah I was actually there for that lol (then I had to go ugh)


mine was in art when I first posted it.
idk who had a barinart day and changed it or smth, but it was art.

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lasers are devices-

Makes sense, but the lasers aren’t affiliated with everything else I’ve listed
(And use barriers instead, more memory efficient)

Nice guide!
(Am i the only one that thinks that the star should be a gim instead?)


Should I switch to Bugs? You probably know why I am thinking I should do this.
(Bot spamming if you don’t)

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prob I can also do it if you dont want to

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Why? This is a clean topic?

Nah, I’d do it, give me a sec
There we go

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Wdym? It’s just ketchup on the floor.


27 day bump!
Maybe a ritual circle pt 4 would be nice?