[đź“°Resources] More Detailed Names

So most guides have name that say what their “intended” uses are for. And while they might have other uses, a lot of guide don’t do this. Now I’m not saying I’m not guilty of this… But I’m not the only one.
so feel free to add your guide

This guide is about loot tables. So this can be used to create things such as loot boxes, fishing, random drops, and just randomizing in general. Loot Table Guide

My other guide Selling System like Fishtopia can be used to make well… a selling system like fishtopia, so it will sell all the items at once (more efficient and less laggy one coming soon).

My third guide Harvesting Guide, can be used to harvest. So this can be used with Loot Table Guide to make random harvest drops.

My fourth and final guide Crafting Guide is used to craft. This can be used in many ways like making an upgrade for example, a “paywall” where you have to use items to get through (if EA owned GKC :rofl:), or something like a crafting table from minecraft.


Another example:


If you use the three dots then click on the wrench you can make it a wiki


That only works for TL4 users. TL3 users can only make their own topics wiki. TL4 can make any topic wiki.


@WolfTechnology, can you make this a wiki?


Yes but again, it is up to @Cryptoraider_Gemkit to say yes or no. I don’t want to be make post wiki’s without approval.


sure, I removed the “can someone make this a wiki i cant yet” because i thought no one had got tl4 yet @WolfTechnology


I made it a wiki for you, If you don’t want it to be a wiki i can take it away.

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@Cryptoraider_Gemkit can I add a bit about how you should search for your topic to see if it has already been done with different keywords instead of just the specific words you are using?

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sorry for late response i don’t get out of school until 3:30

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