Requirements for 'A Memorial for BH'

I need a thumbnail for my upcoming game, ‘A Memorial for BH’.


I need everyone’s personal favorite gim on a hill with a picture frame of BH’s pfp at the top.
Please let me know if you won’t be able to complete it in time.
I’ll be leaving the forums soon…


@echoagent28 is doing one

im also doing one

When is this due?

I don’t know why, but it saddens me to see you leave, especially since I really like you as a forumer


do i need to add everyone or can i add certain people?

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Here it is:

so many people are making games for blackhole haha

also there is a fake pharlain :no_mouth:


I guess I’ll try i’m finna turn the gas up we are so cooking :fire: to make a thumbnail for you…

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yes Slim, there’s a fake pharlian

I will do a thumbnail, expect it by Thursday!

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I’ll make one if you let me

of course, but ill be going soon.

:skull:where’s notyoyo
Where’s clicclac
Where’s lxmas
Where’s ANY notable forum user

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second thought… im not leaving.


WOAH REALLY?!?! ok back on topic now teehee


I wanna apply!!11!1

Um Atom… its unreleased, or Confettius

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I used the people and gims from the other post and I used the first responses

Ah ok. I would recommend adding at least one well known forum member to catch people’s attention

like me (jk)

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