Im remaking dld and need a working heigh tracker, all the old ones dont work with the picture wipe
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I’m first!
can you help me make a height tracker
none of the guides have pictures as I stated
ah yes unforchantedly I’m in top-down and I already have 3 maps and can’t make anymore so Therefore I’m not gonna be of much help sorry
but I think It is like making a energy counter or it should be in map settings
its not energy counters that i need i need the height aspect but i think i can make it myself
yes but the concept the same anyway I gtg good luck my friend
Rq Im making a overlay do i make it text and then how do i display a stat?
make it text and type the name of it in the text box
Ok for energy do i have to code it myself i cant find it in map settings
(for the coordinates)
For the energy meter, there actually is a movement meter device. So set that to energy. Then make a game overlay, for tracked item, and set it to energy
Hope this helped, tell me if you need something else!
Eldion needs a height meter tracker. To do so, grab the coordinates device. As well as an overlay device and property. Name the property something random and have its value as a number 0. Remember the scope is always player for this. Have the Y position property as that property. Make it so that the coordinate device transmits a channel when a player changes position. Grab the overlay and have the block code like this. Remember the block activates as the same channel as when the player changes position. The energy as Di726 stated can be made using the movement meter device.
Make sure to add some whitespace in the first part of the create text block, otherwise the number will be too close.
I made my own height and energy meter, Im currently working on the “cheats” I need a way to teleport the player to the next level how do I do that?
Just make each level have a checkpoint. Then make an overlay that transmits a channel to the checkpoint.
? how do i check what checkpoint players are on, can i make checkpoints invis, and can i disable and enable checkpoints
use a invisible teleporter at each level, then make a menu that teleports you to the teleporter
Nevermind, checkpoints would be more complicated. You can just teleporters like halloween_coster said and make a menu using overlay and popups. This way a player can teleport to any level they want.