December 19, 2023, 2:40am
How do you make that effect where your screen keeps go going red on and off (reactor) or it stays dark (lights) and how do I make it so it only activates when the imposter decides to sabotage the lights or reactor.
December 19, 2023, 2:42am
This guide does NOT include how you will fix the lights, but I hope this will work. Okay, first of all, incorporate all the stuff in my guide, Flashing Lights . Just the barrier stuff, though. Do not let it start visible. Also, I would recommend setting the transparency to 0.7…001 if your background is light, and 0.3 if your background is light.
Make a Game Overlay Button. Set the text to Sabotage, and not visible on game start. Now, place a lifecycle, wire it to a relay with audience Team 2(or …
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Since the beginning of GKC we have all tried to create Among Us, now with all the tools at hand, we creators have come together to create “The Ultimate Guide to Gimkit Among Us.”
With that out of the way, let’s get started with the guide .
Note: This guide uses wires, channels , scope , and blocks .
(If you don’t know what they mean, click the highlighted-blue link, it’ll ta…
Use big red barriers around the map that activate.
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December 19, 2023, 5:42am
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