Ranking the Top 10 Used Devices (Difficulty)

I noticed you never mentioned the item granter? How come? I think it is pretty common.

What is the name of the game? Or the link? Iā€™ll play it for you!

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No, thatā€™s advertisement, please donā€™t. :smile:

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Is there a way for them to send it to me only?

wix or padlet. those are some great sites to use.

dude, I use repeaters and they are useful :anger:
Edit: just read the article and WOW repeaters are useless

while they are bad at their own job, ig repeaters are simple (thatā€™s the only good part of a repeater)


Youā€™ve just angered all the professional gimkit builders.

They all hate repeaters, maybe hate is a strong word, but it ainā€™t that useful compared to a trigger repeater.


stop the repeater hate :frowning:

well, iā€™m not here to start a war, i was just trying to point out that repeaters arenā€™t that good, and triggers could replace it if you use a loop. gtg

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+1 Like :heart:

Iā€™m out of likes :frowning:

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The name is Fight, Kill, Survive, Win!ā€¦

It doesnā€™t show up. Can you show me the link?

Can you guys please stop talking about unrelated stuff?

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No. They blocked a keyword so you canā€™t do thatā€¦

Sorry. :sob:

Please stay on topic please!

Thank you.

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I say either notifications or pop-ups are the most used.

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Please donā€™t get off-topic

Item Granters are quite popular too here to help said that.

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For real.

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