Random Scenarios for Dont press the button

Make a player teleport at a time in the game and if he survives the scenario then he gets an item to help him with the next scenario.

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subs when they implode do not drown you splinter into millions of bones And boy Your mind would be scared if i told you what really happens on them

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the poop part is a little too far

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A evil list of scenarios,

The Doomsday Button: In this scenario, the button is actually a self-destruct mechanism for a nuclear weapon. The consequences of pressing the button would be catastrophic, leading to the destruction of entire cities and loss of millions of lives.

  1. The Time Travel Button: Pressing this button would activate a time machine, but with no control over the destination or time period. The person who pressed the button could end up stranded in a dangerous or unfamiliar time and have no way of returning to the present.

  2. The Mind Control Button: Pressing this button would activate a device that allows the user to control the thoughts and actions of others. However, using this power could have serious ethical implications and potentially harm innocent people.

  3. The Alien Invasion Button: Pressing this button would send a signal to an advanced alien civilization, alerting them to the presence of humans on Earth. This could result in an invasion and enslavement of humanity.

  4. The Karma Button: Pressing this button would instantly bring bad luck and misfortune to the person who pressed it. This could lead to a series of unfortunate events and cause harm to the person and those around them.

  5. The Do-Over Button: Pressing this button would reset the entire world to a specific point in time, erasing all progress and memories of the future. This could have drastic consequences on the world and the people in it.

  6. The Mind Eraser Button: Pressing this button would erase all memories and knowledge from the user’s mind, leaving them with a blank slate. This could lead to identity crises and a loss of personal relationships.

  7. The Apocalypse Button: Pressing this button would trigger a series of catastrophic events that would bring about the end of the world. The user would essentially be responsible for the destruction of humanity.

  8. The Time Bomb Button: Pressing this button would start a countdown to a massive explosion, with no way of stopping it. The user would be faced with the moral dilemma of sacrificing their own life to save others.

  9. The Pandora’s Box Button: Pressing this button would release all the evils and chaos of the world, causing widespread destruction and suffering. The user would be responsible for unleashing all the horrors of humanity. 9i got bored so i made a list for fun)


How do u get so much scenarios? (Not trying to be rude, if u came up with it. Nice creativity!)


Sorry this took long to type but I have experience with writing scenarios. and these are ideas from a previous book or game I made

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Np, and cool!!!

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@Morepeko8 Thank you

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I got bored again, more simple scenarios (not that dark) “Don’t hit the button, it’s the self-destruct sequence!”

  1. “Wait, don’t hit the button, we haven’t finished testing it yet.” it blows up ;0

  2. “Don’t hit the button, it’s connected to the alarm system.”

  3. “Don’t hit the button, it’s the emergency shutdown for the entire building.”

  4. “Careful, don’t hit the button, it controls the nuclear reactor.”

  5. “Don’t hit the button, it releases toxic gas into the room.”

  6. “Stop, don’t hit the button, it’s the panic button for security.”

  7. “Don’t hit the button, it activates the trap door beneath you.”

  8. “Don’t hit the button, it’s connected to the sprinkler system.”

  9. “Wait, don’t hit the button, it’s the emergency call for the fire department.”

  10. “Don’t hit the button, it releases a swarm of bees.”

  11. “Don’t hit the button, it triggers the self-destruct sequence for the spaceship.”


we need some good scenarios too!

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM give me a sec to think of some good ones

bad ones

  1. The button explodes, causing chaos and destruction.

  2. The button summons an army of angry aliens to invade Earth.

  3. Pressing the button triggers a global blackout, shutting down all electricity.

  4. The button unleashes a deadly virus, causing a global pandemic.

  5. Pressing the button erases all memories and knowledge from the human race.

  6. The button opens a portal to another dimension, unleashing dangerous creatures.

  7. Pressing the button activates a self-destruct sequence, destroying everything in its path.

  8. The button releases toxic gas, causing widespread harm and death.

  9. Pressing the button triggers a nuclear explosion, wiping out all life on Earth.

  10. The button summons a powerful demon, unleashing chaos and destruction upon the world.

good ones

  1. The protagonist realizes the button was a trap all along and chooses not to press it, finding a way to escape the dangerous situation.

  2. The protagonist discovers the true purpose of the button and decides not to press it, realizing it would have caused harm to innocent people.

  3. The protagonist’s friend comes to their aid and convinces them not to press the button, ultimately saving them from making a grave mistake.

  4. The protagonist’s conscience kicks in at the last moment and they decide not to press the button, realizing the consequences of their actions.

  5. The protagonist learns a valuable lesson about the power of their actions and decides not to press the button, choosing a path of peace and empathy instead.

  6. The button malfunctions and doesn’t work, ultimately sparing the protagonist from whatever consequences it may have brought.

  7. The protagonist finds a way to deactivate the button without pressing it, showing their ingenuity and intelligence.

  8. A mysterious figure appears and warns the protagonist not to press the button, revealing the true danger of its power.

  9. The protagonist’s pet accidentally presses the button, causing a comical yet harmless outcome.



Those look good! The AI should generate a few more ideas, maybe about the game itself where I’m pretty sure there is no protagonist.

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I had a really, really stupid idea. We publicly shame them. We use a relay to pick someone random and make it go to a trigger, which has the code Add activity feed item for everyone ➡ Set text ➡ Triggering players name AND such a failure even your cousin Timmy got excepted into Harvard at the age of 2. Such a failure!

PERFECT XD I love love thats kinda funny

People are making negative scenarios I NEED GOOD ONES TOO!

Gives a random person a machine gun.

that seems negative though

Why is that negative ?

I need things that are good for everyone not just murder the whole game XD