Random Scenarios for Dont press the button

Aha! Say everyone got good grades!

I need like coins falling out of sky or pooping money trail or collect as much cash as possible ETC or like a speed boost

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There you go , you answered your own question!

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Random powerups would be cool (I ran out of likes, NOOOOOO)

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My list
1 - Make the players slow
2 - Make a random player the hacker
3 - Cause a meteor shower
4 - Respawn all players
5 - Cause a snowstorm
6 - Become a tagger
7 - Make a traitor
1 - Give players hp
2 - Give players double speed
3 - Give free time for like 20 seconds (Players enter an island where they collect as much loot as possible!)
4 - Give Cash/Currency
5 - Give them all a job that they can earn money from
6 - Make a bossfight with op rewards
7 - Make a sentry bounty system where people get rewards





@FusionLord liked @ShinyRiolu post

Bruh, seriously🤦dissapointment

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Screenshot 2024-01-22 9.33.15 PM
Where? I don’t see it! Exposing liars pt 1 :camera_flash:

I ran out of likes🤦bruh

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but honestly, you know a lot of things about gkc for a new user. You sure this ain’t a new acc or somth?

I just scrolled through the forums a lot before I had an account

It probably isn’t. I knew a good amount about things in gkc before i joined the forums. Probably about the same as you

same. Idk why I didn’t just make an account when I got home :person_facepalming:

my eyes burn, why do you not use dark mode???


This is getting a bit of topic



There’s a dark mode?!


yeah, I was just about to say that.