Random items every 15 seconds

I’m trying to make a game like Minecraft random items and need random items

Oh this is easy. Just some triggers and a whole lot of item granters.

Have you looked at this other Help topic?

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oh no… (help me I don’t wanna add an item granter for every frickin item in gimkit)

Okay, if it’s about Minecraft this and the minecraft tag may be of some help.

someone made a guide about this, but it would switch when you ran out of ammo

ok im done adding item granters now can somebody show me how to make the random items granter?

Basically, have triggers with code of when triggered, pick a random number, and depending on the number, grant an item.

can you show a screenshot?

Sure give me a minute though.

ok can you also add the wait 15 seconds?

Trigger loop 30 second delay grant item

Like this, just a few of these will do the trick.

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wait, so I didnt need all those item granters?

Also, the first trigger should have a random number to chose which trigger. Like this:

No, you do. The item should grant when receiving on the item channel.

Make the trigger trigger on X Channel when triggered, and trigger when receive on X Channel, delay = 15.0 seconds.

Lifecycle (event occurs) → Trigger (trigger)

The trigger block code would be similar to this, each channel granting a different item.

For example, 1 = Zapper, 2 = Slingshot, 3 = P.M.L, 4 = Evil Eye, 5 = Quantum Portal.

crashes out slams head against table really hard

bro just copy the code and you should be fine

make a trigger loop