I think you can give a property to the “robbers” and so when then a player is knocked out check if the person who was knocked out has the “property” then activate
When a rob ber got knocked out by a person, he went to jail 3, and I made 3 jails and 3 buttons for each jail, but the buttons for jail 1 and 2 was also activated, and when I tried to save the rob ber for jail 3, nothing happened. Do you know how to solve these problems?
How do you do that?
well how are the robbers and normies separated?
and can normies get changed to robbers when knocked out, or are the teams set from game start to game end
ok so use this system:
lifecycle, counter, relay, property
name: team robbers
type: number
default value: 0
scope: player
scope: player
property: yes
property name: team robbers
relay: all players on team 2 (I just assumed team 2 was the robber’s team)
lifecycle: game start
lifecycle, relay: event occurs —> trigger relay
relay, counter: relay triggered —> increment counter
now all players on the robber’s team have a property called “team robbers”
Thank you.
I did that,
So how do I do this?
type: value of property
property: team robbers
inequality: =
value: 1
knockout manager, checker: player knocked out —> run check
checker, thing you want to activate: check passes —> activate
There’s 3 buttons for each jail cell, so which one do I choose?
what do you mean?
When a person gets knocked out, I want a random button to be activated, based on which jail the person got in. How?
how would it be random if it is based on something
There’s a button for each jail to open.
Just check the how to play on top
when the player is teleported to the random jail cell, connect the teleporter to the button:
player teleported here —> activate button
Thank you
I’m just going to close this now because it’s kinda confusing (my fault) but this is my topic for the first question: How do you make it that when you get knocked out you respawn at 1 random place of 3?
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