PvP Tips n' Tricks [Blaster Edition]

Umm, @WolfTechnology, please do not take this offensivly, but can you please explain why you changed my title? Thank you!


Sure, i changed it becasue its long, it was not really needed, and it made the title confusing. So i changed it to a more understandable format.


Ok, thank you!


Oh nice. This would be useful to base a map around. I didn’t think about this either:

Good job. Are you gonna do it for all of them? I recommand doing it in one guide.

Yeah, im going to make one for all of them, but i want to make a guid for each of them because then i can make it more detailed

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One more idea. Can you show the blaster against different backgrounds.

Sure! Wait, let me go screen shot it…

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ummm due to some difucultys, i cant post the screenshots

I would say when you can post them asap, that will help make it way more understandable for new users.


Ok Thank you!

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Hey everyone, I updated this forum, and please check it out.

To let you know it’s a guide.
Good guide, I can take pictures for you if you’re camera isn’t working.

Oh, thx,
can you do it now?

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Nice guide!

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Working now:
Screenshot 2024-02-22 171334
Screenshot 2024-02-22 171444
Dry Grass

Lab Floor (White) It truly is hard to see when fast

I’ll do more later.


Ironic, since this guide is a copy of mine.


Hello Gimsolver!
So, this wiki is more about pvp in a whole, sinstead of just the blaster

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OH wait, sorry, i thought this was the wiki,
yeah, so sorry, but this was going to be series on all the weapons, and I made a wiki on evrything, so sorry. The wiki is here: The Ultimate Guide to PvP

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