Puzzles for your game

Here are some hard to solve puzzles for your game! Some are easier than
others… They’re also easy to make.

The floor

First put a wall to block players.

Then erase 1 wall and put a small prop

Finally, replace the empty wall with a floor terrain.
Remember that small prop? Add more of same or similar props to make it harder. Finished product:

A prop

Maps need props! So… you can add some.
Here’s the secret. You can edit props in plain sight and make them able
To be damaged, giving keycards and opening doors.

A mess

Put a lot of props in a jumbled pile of messy props.

Then make a few props able to be damaged, or at least enough to make a path that a Gim can fit.


Add a lobby room unlocked by a keycard from a destroyed prop.
Minigames, chat rooms, fun! Make your private place the best thing a Gim could wish for.


Other people had made puzzles through minigames. Here’s a list.

  1. Find the button
  2. The maze
  3. Escape rooms
  4. Some hide and seeks have secrets…
  5. Done! Hope you liked my guide!
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Sorry if it’s a bit short. I could not come up with a lot of good puzzles.

Good job @Cats123 !

Thanks @Legobuilder!

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lol I have terrible internet. All I saw was this,

Anyway nice guide!

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Good Guide, @Cats123! You could also add this to my wiki, the Ultimate Guide to Making an Escape Room, since this is pretty similar!